person receiving light trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Friday January 20, 2023

It’s Affirmation Friday! I invite you to really feel into the energy of today’s affirmation because it is both soothing and balancing, particularly if you’ve had trouble trusting being in the flow. Today’s affirmation is:

It is safe for me to have complete faith and trust in the flow because the flow has complete faith and trust in me.


Hi everyone! I’ll be holding an event this Saturday January 21 at 12 pm eastern time. I always try to hold events on themes that people are needing a little extra support with so this month’s topic is Getting Comfortable With Surrender, Flow, and Playing in the Energies of the Unknown. I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way, followed by a meditation to help you experience surrender, flow, and moving into the unknown in a way that is perfect and reassuring for you. The event will be recorded and you will receive a replay link so you can always have that meditation to refer back to whenever you might need a little extra support. I’ll also be bringing in Gabriel for a channel to add anything he’d like on the topic and to do some questions and answers. The event will last around an hour and the cost to attend is $33 USD. If you’d like to join us you can sign up here:

Hope to see you then!

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