white lily trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Friday July 15, 2022

Many of you understand it is highly beneficial for you to operate from a higher vibrational state. Meditation, walking in nature, and doing things that bring you joy, are all examples of activities that can help you shift your energies into a supportive state of alignment.

What you might not realize is the Divine Combination of surrender, faith, flow, and trust, will also do that for you. In fact, we would go so far as to say that it is a more sustainable system to help you stay in that higher vibrational state because as you get more accustomed to using the Divine Combination it will become your preferred operational system, not something that you only do on occasion for a short period of time.

Because it becomes a way of being, it can create much more profound and lasting change for you, in a shorter period of time. It will allow you to stay in alignment long enough to see where your soul has been trying to lead you all along and for your greatest discoveries, meetings, and manifestations to be made. It will allow the unfoldment of your truest you, and that is a glorious thing, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Hi everyone! I’m back! I had a wonderful vacation spending time with loved ones. Not gonna lie, it took me a few days to get used to not working at all, but I did adjust and it was definitely healthy to take a break. I wanted to remind you that I finally got all of my journeying stuff up on the website. To celebrate, all my journeying offerings are on sale! Private one on one journeying sessions are on for $149 (regular $199), the self study course is on for $99 (regular $149) and the package that contains both the course and a private session is $222. You can check out all the details here: https://trinityesoterics.com/classes/journeying-into-the-new/  This system has been creating profound shifts in my clients, and I’m so happy to be able to share it with you!

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