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Daily Message ~ Friday November 24, 2023

Many of you are afraid of letting your true nature shine due to a fear of judgement. Dear Ones, if you are in fear of judgement you are still just as much in the dance of judgement as the one judging another. We find it interesting that enlightening human beings will work hard to move away from the habit of judging others, yet will still live in fear of judgement from others. It is all the same energy, and an energy that serves no purpose other than to keep you small. Let it go! Know that the time is now to let yourself stand tall in your truth and integrity and essence and feel the wonderful freedom that comes from doing so. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


All our self study courses are on sale until midnight on Cyber Monday, including our most comprehensive course yet, Self Love – The Most Important Element of Them All, for $111! You can see the full list of courses along with their descriptions at www.trinityesoterics.com

Just use the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY23 at checkout to get the discount. If you’ve been meaning to take one of our courses, this is a great opportunity to get it at a discount because they won’t go on sale again until well into the new year. If you aren’t sure which course would be best for you, just email me at partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com and I’ll be happy to help you choose.


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