wondering man trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Monday March 27, 2023

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today’s topic is: How can I tell if a message has come from spirit and isn’t just me?

A big part of being psychic is being self aware, and noticing the subtle energy cues that occur when you are connected with spirit. Messages from spirit, if you pay close attention, will seem to come from up and above. I have always experienced them coming in from above my head and slightly to the left. It was years later that I learned we have something called the causal chakra that is above our head and slightly to the left, and it is the chakra that spirit messages come through before they enter through our crown and into our conscious awareness!

A message from spirit will feel like an inspiration or piece of knowledge you have received from outside of yourself, where your own thoughts and opinions come from inside your body. If it surprises you or is information you didn’t know before, you can give it weight because you don’t have the ability to surprise yourself.

Of course, you are always looking for the indicators we have discussed before, as well. Higher chakra activation, feeling wrapped up in love, and messages that are supportive, encouraging, and positive in nature and honour your free will, growth, and healing are all hallmarks of connection with a higher being.

That, coupled with the feeling that the message has dropped in from above will let you know you are definitely on the right track. Over time you will get very good at recognizing the feeling of being connected with your guides and angels but in the beginning it is wise to always look for all those indicators every time you connect.

And above all, practice! It is much like forging a path through the forest. The more you travel it, the smoother and more familiar it becomes and it will reliably help you get where you wish to go with ease.


I wanted to give you a quick update about our gofundme family who have been displaced since hurricane Ian. I was speaking with Sarah and she still hasn’t received a trailer here. She has received a rapid housing voucher which would help her find housing faster, but the problem is she has spent all her money and the money she has received through the gofundme on the hotel and the expense of feeding 6 kids without a kitchen, so she doesn’t have money for first and last and security deposit. This family is still in need, so if you can please do donate. Even the littlest amount is so appreciated and helpful. If you feel guided, you can donate though this link https://gofund.me/6e94f050

Thank you for wanting to make a difference!


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