Daily Message ~ Sunday April 2, 2017

Dear Ones, what if you knew without a doubt that you are exactly where you are meant to be, that you have handled every single thing perfectly for your growth and expansion? Would that help you be easier on yourself? Would that allow you to finally move into self acceptance and BE?

The fact that you are an enlightening human being on an ascending planet is the answer to that question. The shift simply wouldn’t be happening if you weren’t succeeding in every last thing you have experienced thus far. Can you finally allow yourself to see? You are doing a spectacular job. ~Archangel Gabriel

Shelley’s Note: If you missed my appearance on the Awakening Heart Network this week, you can still catch the replay until Tuesday! Gabriel spoke on a wide variety of topics and his energy came through crazy strong though the whole call. Hope you enjoy this free event! You can listen by heading over to www.awakeningheartnetwork.com.

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