spiral sparkles trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Thursday May 16, 2024

Dear Ones, do you have an attachment to an outcome that you are so invested in that you will not budge? We want you to dream and create, but we also want you to understand that creation is fluid, has flow, is malleable. Anything that you become controlling or constrained about has lost its ability to expand, and thus becomes unsupported because the universe is all about expansion, growth, and movement.

So what do you do? Have the highest vision you can imagine for yourself and then hand it off to the universe to tweak and adjust. Know that any adjustments are for your highest good and for the sustainability of your wildest dreams and perfect matches. Trust enough to allow your dreams the freedom to take on greater form and become all they can be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Gabriel has been strongly on the topic of getting to know yourself like never before as we step into the new, so we can consciously create lives that match who we really are and what we really want to experience. So many of us have no idea how to proceed from this space of in-between, so I am holding this event to help us in our sacred quest to know ourselves, and to navigate forward from there. This one hour zoom event will feature a channel, a meditation to help you get clarity on what truly brings you joy and matches you, and a Q and A. It will be recorded. The cost to attend is $33.33 USD. (This event is included for tier 3 patreon members.) You can sign up for the event through the link below:


You can join the patreon through the link below. Tier three is a great value at $33.33 USD – the cost of the event by itself plus you get so much more!


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