glasses on book trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 6, 2024

At this point many of you have a very good spiritual knowledge base. You have gathered a lot of useful information, all in preparation for the times you are in. Dear Ones, now is the time to start applying that knowledge!

Many of you understand the importance of nurturing yourselves, yet you continue to put others first and wear yourselves out. Many of you know that you stay balanced when you practice meditation, yet continue to be “too busy” to honour yourselves in such a manner. You understand that you are always creating with your thoughts and belief systems, yet continue the old disempowering chatter out of habit.

The skill base you have is designed to help you move forward with the greatest comfort and ease but it simply cannot assist you if you do not use it. Now is the time to take the reins and consistently apply what you know. It is the only way to have the empowered life expression you dream of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Hi everyone! I’ve had such a great response for the Arcturian healing we did before the solstice, I’ve decided to hold an Archangel Gabriel live channel with Q and A, followed by an Arcturian healing session. This live zoom event will last approximately an hour and will be held Thursday February 8 at 6:30 pm eastern time – the cost is $33.33 USD to attend. Each participant gets to ask one question. The event is being recorded so no worries if you can’t attend live. All you have to do is submit your question to and it will get asked during the event and you can listen to the answer through the replay. It’s so much fun experiencing the energy of these hybrid events. I hope you’ll join us! You can sign up through the link below…

Did you know this event is included in my patreon tier two ($22.22 a month) and tier three ($33.33 a month) memberships? Plus you get new channeled content every weekday plus other perks. It’s a great deal if you are interested in our events and current channeled teachings from Gabriel. You can check it out or join here:

No matter how you do it, I hope to see you there! Such exciting times we are in!


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