still woman watching ocean trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 5, 2024

Some people avoid stillness at all costs, treating it like it were the enemy. In reality, it is through stillness that every wonder of the universe can be experienced. In this age of constant distraction, remember stillness is something your soul absolutely requires. Distraction feeds the mind, stillness feeds the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Did you know the universe invented money so it could serve us better and so we could know ourselves as alchemists? In this one hour zoom event we will explore this theme so you can change how you view money and embrace it in your life. This event will include a teaching portion followed by a guided meditation so you can experience the magic of money for yourself. There will be a replay link. The cost to attend is $33 USD. Are you ready to include money as part of the magic and wonder of 2024? If you are, join us on Thursday March 7 at @ 6:30 pm eastern!
You can sign up through the link below:

Please note: this event is included in tier two ($22.22/m) and tier three memberships ($33.33/m) on our patreon. If you like our content, it is a great value! If you would like to join, you can do that here:



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