peaceful man of light trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 21, 2023

A reminder, Dear Ones, as people continue to struggle with world events. You cannot create change using the same energy that created what you do not want.

Empowered change comes from observing what is not working and choosing to create beyond it. When you witness horrific events of violence, or tragedy, it can make humans fall headlong into fear, which then activates anger and victim consciousness. You have worked so hard to evolve beyond those old energies. Do not let events knock you out of your balance, focus, and flow. You simply cannot enact change from a disempowered place. Use your anger as a powerful motivator for empowered change.

Vow to create a world where violence is never the answer. Be the masters you really are, embrace your authentic power and together find new ways of creating the world you desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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