woman with reflection trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 1, 2020

If you spoke to another person the way you speak to yourself, would they thrive? Would they bloom and grow? Would they have the confidence to try new things? Would they trust themselves? Would they feel safe? Would they feel accepted for who they are? Would they become all they can be? Would they want to be with you?

Creating a safe and supportive environment is essential for the growth, evolution, and connection of all, Dear Ones. True unity consciousness and unconditional love cannot be fully experienced until it has expanded to include the essential element of you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Thank you SO much to everyone who took the time to donate to support our work and for all the lovely notes of support and appreciation, too!  Here are the winners of our sweepstakes draw:

One hour reading: Erika Leal
Half hour reading: Channa Patterson
Course: Mohamed Ahmed
Course: Herb Daum
Course: Sue Hodgson
Course: Paulette Comeau
Course: Kim Stacey

Congratulations, everyone, I’ll be in touch! :)

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