08 Dec Donate and Win!
Your loving donations make a real difference and make it possible for me to be able to continue to provide free channeled content to encourage...
Your loving donations make a real difference and make it possible for me to be able to continue to provide free channeled content to encourage...
Dear Ones, many of you wish to move beyond your fears. The secret to moving beyond fear is trust. Who do you trust as a guide...
Dear Ones, it is safe to feel. It is safe to heal. It is safe to love and be loved. All of these opportunities are...
We recently spoke of the importance of practising energetic clarity for your comfort and well-being (refer to the daily message from November 29th). Did you...
Joyful service serves all for it is just as much a gift to give it as it is to receive it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley...