Daily Message ~ Friday April 22, 2022
As we close out this week's series of messages on boundaries, we would like to discuss how to know someone has changed enough to let...
As we close out this week's series of messages on boundaries, we would like to discuss how to know someone has changed enough to let...
When you surrender and flow with your faith and trust, you aren't just demonstrating your faith and trust in Source, but also in your own...
One of the most important things you can do as you enter into the energies of the new is to create a space of safety...
The more you make room to connect with your inner wisdom and allow yourself to follow its guidance, the more confident and competent you will...
You are in a phase of complete reevaluation. As you review right back to your early childhood, you will be assessing the different influences you...
Many of you are in such deep resistance to yourselves that you lose sight of the glorious aspects of you. A wonderful tool to shift...
One of the most important shifts you can make as an enlightening human being, is transitioning from making decisions based on what others think to...
A major theme of 2018 has been power - what it is, what it isn't, and how you can step more fully into it in...
Being easy with yourself when things come up for healing allows you to shift with far greater ease with the assistance of your own love...