Daily Message ~ Thursday February 29, 2024
Think of one thing you can do today that will be a luxurious expression of self love, whether it be quiet time to curl up...
Think of one thing you can do today that will be a luxurious expression of self love, whether it be quiet time to curl up...
There are many key aspects we would like to cover that are going to be themes in the energies of 2023. It usually takes several...
So many of you are old souls with a multitude of other lifetime experiences under your belt. A great many of you have had the...
You can't move into the fullest expression of you in the new energies if you are still hauling old limitations around with you. So how...
One of the most important things you can do as you enter into the energies of the new is to create a space of safety...
There is much resolution for your past occurring at this time. While it may seem relentless when old memories and hurts come up for examination,...
A great many of you have been in service for many years. You have been holding the space for others and your planet. You have...
Dear Ones, you are most powerful when you are operating in full flow. Be open to the highest potentials that are available to you that...
What is your soul encouraging you to include in your day today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young Holly Update: I’m so surprised because she was obviously...