Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 27, 2023
Is a rose plant a failure because it hasn't bloomed yet? Of course not! You realize every step of its growth has purpose and supports...
Is a rose plant a failure because it hasn't bloomed yet? Of course not! You realize every step of its growth has purpose and supports...
We understand that many of you, in your desire to be diligent and get things right, worry that you are missing things or stuck. But...
What if you looked at each other the same way you do a beloved child? What if you could stay in that same state of...
Acceptance is an integral aspect of moving into a higher vibrating life experience. You simply cannot connect in a profound way with others, or with...
When you judge yourself you deny your beauty, your divinity, and the perfection of you and the Now moment. Dear Ones, please know that you...
When you see someone making a choice that is contrary to what you would choose for yourself, instead of deeming it to be right or...
Dear Ones, the word we think best describes the theme of the day is allow. Allow yourself to move with the energies. Allow yourself to...
So many of you have been conditioned to equate worrying with love. But is it really loving to worry? When you worry about another, you are...
Dear Ones, one of the biggest ways you hold yourself back is by your habit of seeing yourself as being wrong. What if your procrastination...