Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 30, 2022
It is a common occurrence for enlightening human beings to get inspired by something and then shortly afterwards experience fear or doubt. We would like...
It is a common occurrence for enlightening human beings to get inspired by something and then shortly afterwards experience fear or doubt. We would like...
Your highest decisions often will involve embracing change. Your ego self is invested in things staying the same but your soul knows expansion is the...
We were recently asked, "The thing I can't get my mind around is where the soul wants to go and where my ego wants to...
Many people who are on a spiritual journey become cautious about moving forward in bigger ways because they do not wish to "fall into ego"....
Doubt is a very effective tool the ego self uses in its attempt to keep things the same. Doubt is successful in avoiding growth because...
Your ego self can be rather extreme, often working with all or nothing energies. It cooks up grand schemes that sound dangerous and elicit...
As an enlightening human being, you have been evolving beyond the control of the ego self. We wish to make this clear - the...
The ego self, the part that seeks to keep you small and separate, has no interest in your enlightenment at all, and will actively block...
When you become emotionally invested in what another person is doing, and become insistent you know what is "right" for them, and that if they...