Daily Message ~ Thursday November 18, 2021
The path of beingness doesn't mean you no longer do anything. It means you simply take inspired action when the energies support it and it...
The path of beingness doesn't mean you no longer do anything. It means you simply take inspired action when the energies support it and it...
Fear, doubt, attempting to micro-manage the universe, resistance to flow, worthiness issues, and not being willing to receive are all aspects that can interfere with...
Co-dependency is attempting to apply the martyred service paradigm to your relationship. When you start to honour your needs and growth in all relationships, whether...
Dear Ones, you can meet times of intensity with trepidation or excitement. It is totally up to you. But we will point out that any...
Dear Ones, trust your soul. Listen to its whispers and nudges and follow where it is calling you to go. There is a part of...
As you continue to evolve and want to expand your life to reflect your highest expression of self, your manifestation techniques must also evolve. This...
If you went to a grocery store to get everything you needed to sustain yourself but only concentrated on what you didn't want, you would...
One of the most important shifts you can make as an enlightening human being, is transitioning from making decisions based on what others think to...
Self love is allowing your inner wise one to create and hold the space for you to heal, release, integrate, and evolve. ~Archangel Gabriel through...