Daily Message ~ Thursday January 13, 2022
When you surrender and flow with your faith and trust, you aren't just demonstrating your faith and trust in Source, but also in your own...
When you surrender and flow with your faith and trust, you aren't just demonstrating your faith and trust in Source, but also in your own...
There is always great joy to be had when you allow yourself to experience your highest expression of self. How does your soul wish to...
The biggest power move you can make on your enlightenment journey is making the shift from knowing about spirituality to living spiritually. Your seeking is...
Dear Ones, there has never been a day you were not growing. There has never been a day you weren't being of service in one...
There has been much talk about fear lately. Fear, simply put, is contracting energy. You at your core are beings of love, and as such...
The question we would like you to explore today is how are you not being true to you? Is this by making yourself wrong for...
Trusting and honouring the unfoldment is exactly how you allow your greatest outcomes to take on form for you. It is holding the space long...
Your imagination explores, expands, and pioneers. Possibilities are different avenues and options you can ponder and feel into to see if they are matches. But...
Many of you are at the point of your evolutionary journey where you simply cannot stand anything that does not honour you in your truth....