Daily Message ~ Monday September 10, 2018
Many of you are in the process of releasing old belief systems, many of which have been conditioned into you by others. One of the...
Many of you are in the process of releasing old belief systems, many of which have been conditioned into you by others. One of the...
Have you ever noticed how people are so drawn to the performers, the artists, the people who excel at their crafts? It is not...
So many of you have been conditioned to believe you are not good enough, that you must constantly fight to prove your goodness, and that...
Dear Ones, if we could have one wish for you, it would be that you give up your tendency to immediately make yourself wrong the...
So many of you wonder if you are good enough, or smart enough, or doing enough. Dear Ones, your beingness is more than enough! There...
Dear Ones, so many of you worry that you aren't good enough. You are an individuated aspect of Source energy. How could that not be...
We speak so much of the importance of love. But what is love really? Why is it such a big deal? Love is the sustenance of...
Every single time you choose love as a response or a state of beingness, you are in alignment with Source, allowing the energy of love...
Dear Ones, as an individuated aspect of Source energy, you are, indeed, everything you seek. What you are doing is working your way back to...