Daily Message ~ Monday November 18, 2024
Have you noticed how your love relationships enjoy such a glorious time of wonder and connection in the beginning, and over time start to feel...
Have you noticed how your love relationships enjoy such a glorious time of wonder and connection in the beginning, and over time start to feel...
Many enlightening human beings have led rather solitary existences up until this point. They have chosen to concentrate on their sacred roles and have put...
Many of you have noticed that when you go through a leap of growth things can feel more challenging between you and your loved ones....
Dear Ones, there is a potential for many different truths to exist, depending upon where you are on your evolutionary journey. Let us give you...
Dear Ones, relationships are a prevalent theme for you right now. Relationships - your family relationships, your love relationships, your friendships, your relationship with power,...
The more you know, love, and honour yourself the better all your relationships become because they will reflect back that truth and fairness. ~Archangel Gabriel...
Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased we are to be connecting with you today. We wish to commend you for all you have accomplished having moved...
We understand that for many of you spending time with family can be challenging. These are the people you have soul agreements with, who agreed...
Many of you seek perfect relationships and wish to move into unconditional love. Our question is, if your partner is perfect how will you ever...