Daily Message ~ Sunday July 26, 2020
We invite you to ask, "What can I do today that is a true honouring of self? Can I accept that from that space I...
We invite you to ask, "What can I do today that is a true honouring of self? Can I accept that from that space I...
Dear Ones, if an old wound keeps coming up for you very insistently, it is not a sign that you are irrevocably broken. Far from...
Dear Ones, as you move forward energetically and start to navigate as pioneers in brand new energies, we cannot stress enough the importance of surrendered...
Every single shift allows a new, brighter, emanation of self. What a glorious time you are in! ~Archangel Gabriel...
There is a part of you that can connect with and anchor any energy that you wish to experience. As a beloved individuated aspect of...
We encourage you to embrace being the creators and pioneers of your life expression. It is important to have clarity on what your dreams and...
Dear Ones, the antidote to doubt is trust. Doubt constrains and stagnates, while trust expands and opens to new experiences. Your soul is always seeking...
One of the hardest things for some enlightening human beings on a service path to do is to ask for help. They simply aren't comfortable...
Of all of the myriad of experiences human beings can have, the greatest is to love, deeply, fully, and completely, without expectation, and be open...