Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 3, 2024
Combining unconditional love of self and your role of guide, in many ways, means having patience and understanding for yourself. It means seeing yourself for...
Combining unconditional love of self and your role of guide, in many ways, means having patience and understanding for yourself. It means seeing yourself for...
We would like to offer you an analogy today to help you understand why not allowing yourself in your own self love is detrimental to...
Many of you carry wounds of abandonment or being shunned from other life expressions. This is an exceedingly common theme for enlightening human beings, and...
The act of settling indicates you know there is better out there for you. You know there is a more satisfying match but you decide...
Many of you were raised to choose one thing you wanted to be when you grew up. As young adults you were expected to pick...
If you love yourself it doesn't mean you'll stop growing or miss certain aspects that you may wish to evolve beyond. It does mean you...
We have spoken quite extensively about the reintegration of any unhealed aspects of self as being an essential step on your evolutionary journey, and we...
Some people say love yourself first. Some people say love others before you love yourself. We suggest that loving yourself AND loving others is the...
Dear Ones, expansion is how you experience more comfort, presence, and engagement in your life. So many of you find yourselves in an alignment that...