Daily Message ~ Friday September 10, 2021
As we discussed recently, many of you may be in a holding pattern waiting for others to join you before you move forward into the...
As we discussed recently, many of you may be in a holding pattern waiting for others to join you before you move forward into the...
What needs did you have that were not being met before the pandemic? Were you perpetually exhausted? Were you on autopilot without really being satisfied...
A main focus in the times you are in right now is how you are feeling, and how others are feeling. This is anchoring in...
We understand that many of you are finding yourselves in situations where you are being forced to slow down, to stay home, or adjust how...
If you wish to know which practices are most restorative to you, they are the ones that give you relaxed but focused attention. These are...
In the older energies, working hard was the norm. It was about forcing your way to success. In the new energies, it is about flowing...
Many of you will perceive yourselves as being lazy if you are not working hard. But the reality is the most important work you will...
Dear Ones, the universe is always responding to your intentions and requests. You just simply must allow enough time for your desires to come to...
Dear Ones, we want you to know that it is all alright. If you meditate, or if you don't, it is alright. If you are...