Daily Message ~ Friday March 8, 2024
We have been asking you to put your own balance, wellness, and energetic clarity first. For many of you, that is a difficult task because...
We have been asking you to put your own balance, wellness, and energetic clarity first. For many of you, that is a difficult task because...
It is the ego self that leads human beings to place great importance on being right. It is a slippery slope from right to righteous,...
Beingness/laziness, observation/judgement, self awareness/selfishness, energetic clarity/self protection...
Instead of being on the lookout for what you can reject from your experience, what if you shifted your focus onto what you wish to...
You might think of the process of healing separation as starting to bring aspects that have been denied back into the fold. Do you hold...
Your evolutionary journey is taking you from separation consciousness to unity consciousness. Now is the ideal time to start to explore how you have wished...
On this day that celebrates love we hope you will expand your focus to see the love that exists everywhere for you, if only you...
If you are having trouble with monetary abundance, it could be that you are subconsciously rejecting the flow of money into your life because you...
As we continue our series on boundaries this week, we would like to offer you an analogy that should make it very easy to understand...