For most of us, the first stages of our spiritual journey have been about connecting with the higher realms. It has felt much more comfortable to be up and out of the body, but because we are stepping fully into our embodiment process, the time has come for us to be fully in our body, on the planet, as our highest version of self. This is exciting, but it can be uncomfortable, especially if we have found earth to be a particularly challenging place.
This course is designed to help you get much more comfortable with being in the body while consciously harnessing the many gifts and assistance that is available to us on the planet, right now. We will be looking at the various natural elements of the earth, their purpose, our connection to them, and why it is important for us to connect with them in deeper ways than ever before.
Because this is such a vast topic – I mention what I find are the most interesting points of each of the various elements we cover. I can only touch briefly on each subject because each one could be studied for a lifetime! The real value lies in the meditation of each class, which allows you to experience the element in a way that is most meaningful for you and then receive an activation or an attunement to help you deepen your relationship with it.
If you find yourself drawn to certain elements more than others that is perfectly fine! If something intrigues you I highly recommend that you take the time to dive into it deeper ion your own. The attunement or activation you have received will help you immensely with that. If there is an element you don’t feel interested in at all, no worries. It just means that it’s not for you to explore right now and there is nothing wrong with that. Either you have already mastered that in another lifetime or you will get into it later. There is no way you can get it wrong!
Most of all, this course is meant to let you not only embrace being in the body more but for you to move into partnership with the earth in a way that is a deep, meaningful, and fun as being in partnership with spirit has been.
In this class we explore:
Meditation: Making friends with and attuning with being in your body.
In this class we will explore:
Meditation: Connecting with the healing waters on the planet. Receiving an attunement that enhances your connection with water.
In this class we explore:
Meditation: Connecting with the wisdom of Gaia and how she works with energy. Activation to allow you to move deeper into loving partnership with the earth.
Trees, the Unsung Heroes of the Planet
Meditation: The beauty of the plant kingdom. Feeling their consciousness. Asking for a message. Receiving an attunement that moves you into deeper connection with trees and plants.
Meditation: Connecting with crystals, minerals, and mountains. Receive an attunement that deepens your relationship to them.
Ley Lines
Sacred Sites
Meditation: Seeing the ley lines, sacred sites, grids, and vortexes on the planet. Receiving a message. How can you support them? Attunement to deepen your connection with them.
Meditation: Connecting with the living creatures of the earth.
See how they assist the balance of the planet.
Realize they wish to communicate with you!
Receiving the attunement that will deepen that connection.
Elephants & Giraffes
Our Beloved Pets
We will discuss and explore:
Meditation: Connecting with the elementals. Ask to be made of any you have connected with in the past or any new elementals you are ready to start working with. Ask to receive the attunement that will allow you to interact with the elementals in a far more tangible way.
In this class we will discuss:
Meditation: Connecting with all the earth elements you attuned to during the course. Feeling how much more fun it is to be in the body!
DISCLAIMER: Materials, techniques and information shared on TRINITY ESOTERICS are provided for informational purposes only and must not be construed as personal medical advice. Before making life changes of any kind, participants are encouraged to consult their healthcare providers and/or seek professional medical advice.
Due to the nature of the materials offered in our courses and sessions, we regretfully cannot offer refunds.