stepping stones across river trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Monday October 9, 2023

It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today we will be discussing the importance and power of stepping stones.

Over the years, I have come to appreciate the vital role stepping stones play on our journey. In fact, they are just as important as the final result of our dream because with out them our desired manifestations could not happen in a full and sustainable way.

When I first began my awakening process I experienced how powerful not knowing where you are going can be, and how essential it is to take advantage of what shows up for you as a supported next step. If someone had told me I was meant to be a channel of Archangel Gabriel, I would have said no to becoming a hypnotherapist, and that would have denied me the very tool I continue to use to this day to connect with Gabriel.

Becoming a hypnotherapist also provided me a reason to open my business right away, a certification that gave me some legitimacy, a career that gave me more time to myself and some income coming in so I could explore more of what I was truly passionate about – spirituality and all things metaphysical.

Stepping stones not only create bridges between where you are and where you want to go, they also can help you bridge an energetic divide until you are in alignment with your true goal. Let me explain.

It might be too big of an energetic leap for you to go from utter confusion to clarity, from poverty to great wealth, from despair to joy, from illness to vibrant health. However the stepping stones will lead the way from one to the other. It might look like this:

Confusion –> curiosity –> clarity

Poverty –> starting to make ends meet –> having extra –> having even greater ease –> wealth

Despair –> neutrality –> things are ok –> things are good –> happiness –> joy

Illness –> moving out of crisis –> continued healing –> back to where you were –> thriving

It is the acceptance of the in-betweens that makes great things possible. Stepping stones also keep you out of getting overwhelmed by trying to figure it all out at once. Most of us will feel like our end result isn’t realistic or attainable if we are trying to do it all in one leap. The key is to hold true to the dream because you wouldn’t have it if it wasn’t a true potential for you, and to simply find the next highest step that DOES feel within the realm of possibility and keep moving from there.

From that next step you will be choosing action towards your truest desire in a way that feels authentic and doable, and working with the natural unfoldment of your journey. That step allows you to see what is possible with the next step, and so on, and before you know it you have incrementally increased your vibration until clarity, wealth, joy, thriving, or any other dream you have doesn’t feel out of reach at all.

And the most wonderful thing is by taking it one step at a time you give yourself time to discover the fullness of your dream in a way you simply couldn’t have imagined when you first began. It gives you and your dream everything you need to be fully sustainable and the perfect match for each other.


It’s October, the month of Canadian thanksgiving! To celebrate I have decided to put my program Making Room For Miracles on sale for $99 USD until 10/10. That’s $50 off! Simply use the coupon code THANKFUL at checkout. You can read the full program description here:

If you are looking for more magic and miracles in your life, this program is for you!

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