24 Apr Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 24, 2024
Dear Ones, many of you have been on a consistent journey of releasing for quite some time. You have let go of impressive amounts of old wounds, fears, conditioning, and templating. So why are some of the old themes coming back up yet again? Because you are ready to release the habit of having that issue.
You see, when you have been working on the healing of a specific theme, in some cases for many lifetimes, you become accustomed to having that theme as part of your energetics. You have, in many ways, identified with that core wound, much like a student identifies with a major course of study in university.
Because you are ascending, graduating if you will, from that course of study, you can now let the theme go without the fear of missing something. You can rest assured that the work is done, and trust that through surrender and flow if there is any energetic tweaking to be done it will come into your awareness. There is no longer a need to identify with anything less than your whole, healed, divine self.
Do you see? True healing means accepting that healing has been assimilated. If you broke your ankle, eventually you would allow the cast to come off and would consider the healing complete. You would detach from the story of the broken ankle.
How do you know when you have completed a theme or a healing cycle? When there is no longer a strong emotional charge around the topic. When it comes up and you think, “really, that again?” without the despair or fear of looking at it.
It is quite simple, Dear Ones – when you reach the end of a theme of healing, or what you might call a timeline, you can simply consider it done and step onto another line of potential that no longer holds that theme, that allows you to experience the joy of the new state of wholeness you are embracing. You can simply release the habit of that story as the final act of a job well done, and look forward to new potentials that are available for you to explore. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
I think we have all been feeling the power of the energies and astrological events over the past few weeks and are wondering what is happening, where we are going, and both current and upcoming themes. I thought it would be awesome to have a joint event with my friend, Richard Malette, who is a wonderful astrologer, so we could look at things both astrologically with Richard, and energetically with me. The event will be held on zoom on Wednesday May 1, 2024 at 6:30 pm eastern time. There will be a replay for those who can’t attend live. The cost is $33.33 USD to attend. Questions will be welcomed but we ask that they be kept to topics that everyone can benefit from. I hope you’ll join us for what is sure to be an informative and enlightening event! You can sign up through the link below or through the link in bio on instagram.
PS. This event is included in the tier two membership ($22.22/m) and tier three membership ($33.33/m) of my patreon. If you like our content it is a great value to join because you get live events, fresh daily channeled content that is different than the free daily messages, and more! You can check it out here: https://www.patreon.com/TrinityEsoterics
Hope to see you soon!