14 Oct Daily Message ~ Monday October 14, 2024
Dear Ones, there is so much more purpose and meaning to the things you experience in your lives than you realize. It may not feel like it at times, but rest assured all movement is forward movement. Everything exists to serve you, your life expression, humanity, and the planet, even if you are not able to see exactly how at the moment.
So trust. Know you are an integral part of a much bigger system than you cannot be fully aware of from your vantage point. There is divine co-creation going on all the time. The universe only moves one way which is toward expansion. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing, as a willing partner in the beautiful dance of evolution you are in. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Shelley’s Note: I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that we came through hurricane Milton better than expected. No damage to the house, just a lot of downed limbs and debris to clean up. We had a LOT of water come up early in the afternoon and I was sure we were going to flood, but miraculously the water receded and we got no more rain to speak of, just lots of wind. I want to thank all of you who sent messages of support, prayers, and energetic support. I have no doubt at all that they made all of the difference in our outcome. Please keep those who weren’t so lucky in your prayers.