01 Apr Daily Message ~ Saturday April 1, 2017
Dear Ones, you always have a choice. You can choose to connect, or you can choose to separate. You can choose to love, or you can choose to shun. You can choose to accept, or you can choose to judge.
We send you this message today, not because we are trying to tell you how to act. We bring you this message because we want you to feel the comfort, joy and satisfaction that comes from making choices that are in line with your soul.
If you choose something and in retrospect wish you would have chosen differently, you are experiencing growth and expansion and will make a choice that better honours you and your truth next time. Be easy on yourself and grateful for a fresh perspective that you can put into action as a new approach in the future.
So in closing, we wish for you to love, to connect, to accept, not to please us or get something back from another, but simply because it feels wonderful to express yourself as the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel
Shelley’s Note: If you missed my appearance on the Awakening Heart Network this week, you can still catch the replay until Tuesday! Gabriel spoke on a wide variety of topics and his energy came through crazy strong though the whole call. Hope you enjoy this free event! You can listen by heading over to www.awakeningheartnetwork.com.