15 Dec Daily Message ~ Saturday December 15, 2012
We understand when something as horrific as the murder of innocent children happens, it can be extremely difficult to keep your balance and faith. It can seem that the world that you all dream of, a world of peace and harmony and safety is so far away. Dear Ones, it is so very important that you hold the balance and the vision of what you intend to create clearly. Be aware of what has happened around you, mourn and send love and light and prayers to those who are affected. Honour your own human emotions. But above all, stay focused on what you know and what you are here to assist in creating. As many struggle it is your solid, unshakeable faith, mastery and commitment to empowered change that is required, especially during these very pivotal days leading up to the alignment. Love each other, support each other, and let this deepen your commitment to co-create a new world. That is where your power to create a peaceful earth lies. ~Archangel Gabriel