24 Jul Daily Message ~ Saturday July 24, 2021
To come back into harmony with another, it can be very helpful to find an activity you can both share from a place of open receptivity. Meditation, song, dance, cooking together, a hobby or sport you both enjoy, time spent in the beauty of nature, a road trip – anything that creates a shared experience will offer you an opportunity to meet in the middle – to reset, if you will, into far greater ease with each other. It will allow you to join up with each other on the same energetic layer.
They key is to make sure both parties are equally open to it, and from there a shared experience of enjoyment and connection can occur. There has been so much focus on what separates you lately. A wise soul finds connection points that moves you out of resistance into open-hearted acceptance, which will not only improve your relationships with others, it will help support moving out of separation into unity on a much larger scale, as well. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Hey everyone! As I feel into the energies of the new, one of the most important elements to navigate from where we are to where we wish to be is the element of acceptance. It is the Divine Combination that helps us to understand and anchor into acceptance, and from there patience and peace can be experienced which supports us in settling fully into our beingness. Because I think this is so important for where we are now, I have decided to put my Divine Combination course on sale for $99 (that’s $50 off). This is a series of 6 mp3’s you work through independently at your own pace (I am fully available to answer any questions you may have about the content by email as you work your way through the course). You can read the full course description here: https://trinityesoterics.com/classes/the-divine-combination/ The sale price isn’t reflected on the website – to purchase for the sale price please just email me at partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com and I’ll get you all set up. The Divine Combination is a total game changer and at the core of all the things we wish to create and experience, and now is such an ideal time to dive into it if you haven’t already. xo