20 Apr Daily Message ~ Thursday April 20, 2023
Dear Ones, your authenticity, your growth, your commitment, your expansion, your faith, your focus, your desire to make a difference, your sensitivities and tender hearts – all of these assist the shift and add immeasurably to the planet. Without you there would be no shift, so we celebrate your role and honour you more than you know. For all of this we say to you, with our deepest respect, thank you for your service. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
As we continue to shift and evolve beyond 3D, our manifestation techniques do, as well. Gabriel has been sharing some really interesting ideas about manifestation with me lately that I’ve never heard or considered before so I thought it would be the ideal time to hold an event on this topic. It will be held on Saturday April 22 from 12 to 1 pm eastern time on zoom. There will be a replay available, so no worries if you can’t make it to the live call. The cost to attend is $33.33. We will be having a talk, a meditation, and an energetic integration, followed by a Q and A. I hope you will join us as we explore all this next level stuff. It’s such an exciting time to be on the planet! Your an sign up through this link:
I look forward to seeing you soon!