28 Aug Daily Message ~ Thursday August 28, 2014
We realize many of you are seeking healing for emotional wounds. Dear Ones, the first step of emotional healing is to create a safe place for the healing to occur! Just as you can’t expect a physical wound to heal if you keep ripping off the scab, you cannot expect emotional healing to occur if you continue to stay in an environment that continually reopens those wounds.
We urge you to create a safe environment for your healing. That means making sure the people who are in your life are safe people for you, who love and support you in the way you deserve to be treated. We also ask you to stop any way you continue to rewound yourself, either by perpetually reliving the past or through your own self abusive behaviours.
You are all on the planet to evolve beyond victim consciousness into your authentic power. The most important step of that transition is to create the safe, loving, nurturing environment necessary for the healing to begin. It is time to be your own hero, your own parent, your own nurturer, your own tender, sweet love! Accept nothing less than the treatment you would insist upon for a beloved child, or your best friend. Once you do, you will create the perfect conditions for true healing, and joyful living to occur. ~Archangel Gabriel