15 Jun Daily Message ~ Thursday June 15, 2023
We have been asking you to acknowledge and congratulate yourselves on what a wonderful job you have been doing, participating in the shift of consciousness on your planet. It is safe to acknowledge your efforts! This is not about tooting your own horn to others or puffing yourself up with grandiosity, but rather a fair and true recognition of yourself for yourself, of your growth, your truth, and your continued contributions.
To not acknowledge the progress on your journey would be like getting in your car for a road trip and refusing to look at any of the gauges that let you know how your trip is going. It would be confusing, feel like it is never-ending, and you could very well run out of gas!
So give yourselves credit when due. The solstices are wonderful times to do just that and allow them to serve as mile markers on your evolutionary journey. It is truly remarkable that you are in the body having the full experience of the shift on your planet, so we urge you to acknowledge that every once in a while, along with your sacred role within it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Hey everyone, I’ll be holding a pre-solstice event on Saturday June 17 at 12 pm eastern time. The topic will be Respect as a Precursor to Peace. There will be a talk containing channeled material, a meditation, as well as a release and integration process. It’s unusual for Gabriel to offer a topic for a pre-solstice event, but I feel this is something he really wishes to highlight as the next important step for us moving forward. The event will be held on zoom, run approximately an hour, and will be recorded so no worries if you can’t attend live. The cost to attend is $33.33 USD. If you would like to sign up, you can do it here https://trinityesoterics.as.me/presolsticeevent
I hope you will join us for this important and timely event!