man in bubble over stormy waters trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 4, 2022

Dear Ones, you might think it is wise to brace yourself for something that you think might be challenging, but bracing is choosing to proceed with resistance. The key to moving forward with the most comfort possible is to work with the elements of surrender and flow. So if you have something to face that you feel you need to brace yourself for, whether it be experiencing intense energies or something more personal on your journey, honour that initial response and then release it. Surrender into your guidance system and allow your team of helpers (which always includes your highest self) to assist you through your process. That combined with your trust in your own divine capability will help move through it with the utmost grace and ease. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Our Divine Combination series starts this Saturday May 7 at 12 pm eastern time and will run for 6 weeks. This series of live, interactive calls will be taking a close look at each element of the Divine Combination followed by a channeled meditation that will allow you to experience the element in whatever way is perfect for you. The calls will be recorded, so no worries if you can’t make it in real time. Questions about the class content will be answered at the beginning of every call and can be submitted by email ahead of time or asked in real time if you are attending live.

You can purchase the entire series for a discounted price of $200 USD (regular $300 USD), or you can attend calls individually if you prefer for $40 USD each. I do highly recommend attending all classes to get the most out of the system if you are new to the Divine Combination. You can sign up here:

The full series:

Class One May 7 only – An overview of the Divine Combination and the elements of Surrender and Faith:

As the Divine Combination is the navigation system for the new, I feel like this is the ideal time to be offering this series. It is my personal intention to dust off my own Divine Combination skills and commit to using them in an even deeper way in my life. I hope you will join me in this transformational process. I can’t wait to see what magic we get to experience together!

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