10 Aug Partnership With The Earth Sale
Only two days left!
Hey everyone! I’m so happy to announce that my latest course, Partnership With The Earth is now available for purchase for the sale price of $99! That’s $50 off but only until midnight on August 11.
This is a very comprehensive course that offers 9 full classes with corresponding meditations and activations or attunements. It is a series of mp3’s that you work through at your own pace. It covers a lot of ground and a lot of energetic adjustment so it is not something you should rush your way through, but rather an unfoldment designed to move you into deeper, satisfying connection with the planet we are on.
For most of us, the first stages of our spiritual journey has been about connecting with the higher realms. It has felt much more comfortable to be up and out of the body, but because we are stepping fully into our embodiment process, the time has come for us to be fully in our body, on the planet, as our highest version of self. This is exciting, but it can be uncomfortable, especially if we have found earth to be a particularly challenging place.
This course is designed to help you get much more comfortable with being in the body while consciously harnessing the many gifts and assistance that is available to us on the planet, right now. We will be looking at the various natural elements of the earth, their purpose, our connection to them, and why it is important for us to connect with them in deeper ways than ever before.
Because this is such a vast topic – I mention what I find are the most interesting points of each of the various elements we cover. I can only touch briefly on each subject because each one could be studied for a lifetime! The real value lies in the meditation of each class, which allows you to experience the element in a way that is most meaningful for you and then receive an activation or an attunement to help you deepen your relationship with it.
Most of all, this course is meant to let you not only embrace being in the body more but for you to move into partnership with the earth in a way that is a deep, meaningful, and as fun as being in partnership with spirit has been.
To read the full course description or to purchase, please go to https://trinityesoterics.com/classes/partnership-with-the-earth/
Use the coupon code EARTH to get $50 off the regular price of $149.
This is where we have arrived, in grounded spirituality. It feels so full circle, considering my first course was Partnership With Spirit. How awesome to see how far we’ve come!