Because forgiveness can be such a tricky theme for many, I have created this program to provide supports in a variety of ways. This includes hypnosis, guided meditations, and finally a journeying session to provide complete healing around this theme not only for your current self, but also for your past, different life expressions and also your ancestral lines. It is designed to be very comprehensive to address any areas where you may get stuck. It is designed to help you move beyond the hurts of old into true forgiveness by looking at it and addressing it from many different angles. Full course details are available here.
As we move more and more into the new energies, there are two areas that can hold us back. One is forgiveness, the other is self love. Forgiveness is so imperative, because our lack of true forgiveness of others keeps us tethered to the past, and the energies that caused us pain. We have done so much heavy lifting, holding space for a shifting planet, and going through our own personal evolution. It is time to tackle the last uncharted territory, which is forgiveness first, which will make self love much easier, so we can step forward into the new ready to receive the life expressions we truly desire and deserve.
Because forgiveness can be such a tricky theme for many, I have created this program to provide supports in a variety of ways. This includes hypnosis, guided meditations, and finally a journeying session to provide complete healing around this theme not only for your current self, but also for your past, different life expressions and also your ancestral lines. It is designed to be very comprehensive to address any areas where you may get stuck. It is designed to help you move beyond the hurts of old into true forgiveness by looking at it and addressing it from many different angles.
May we all move forward and thrive in the life expressions we knew were possible, but just couldn’t find our way to.
It’s our time.