empowered woman working energy trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Friday April 5, 2019

How do you know if you are in an energetic space that is conducive to manifesting?  Check in with your body. If you are holding tension, particularly in your abdominal area it is a sure sign you are constraining your creations and your flow. You simply cannot create from a space of constriction.

Loosen up. Adjust your body and the thoughts you have about your creation until you can feel ease in your body when you think of it. Understand creation is a flow. Experiment until you find the tools that help you stay in that flow and you will be in the perfect alignment to bring your dreams to life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

SALE! Now that we are in the energies of spring and beyond that doozy of a mercury retrograde, our thoughts can now move back towards creation so I thought it would be the perfect time to put Choosing a Beautiful, Magical Life on sale for $99 USD (that’s $50 off!). This course is all about playing in the energies of the great beyond where our highest potentials and possibilities exist and getting comfortable in the process of empowered co-creation. The course consists of 6 mp3’s that you work through at your own pace plus a 7th bonus mp3 that helps identify the areas where we typically get stuck with manifesting and what you can do to move beyond them. These are the exact methods I used to change my life in the most remarkable ways and is all about opening to the greatest outcomes you could never imagine. You can read the full course description here: https://trinityesoterics.com/…/choosing-a-beautiful-magical…/ To register please email me at partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com and I’ll get you all set up.

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