27 Dec Daily Message ~ Friday December 27, 2024
The energetic shifts you have gone through over the past several years have left you completely transformed. You are different than you were five years ago, two years ago, a year ago. Because of the changes you have gone through – the purging, healing, and integration processes – what is an energetic match to you now may be very different than what was a match to you before.
This explains why certain things that you used to enjoy may not feel as good to you anymore. As you step more and more into your authentic power and seek to create a life that is much more in line with who you really are, it is so important to take the time to really examine your feelings about things. More than that, it is important to not make yourself be wrong if something doesn’t feel as good to you as it once did.
As ever evolving beings, your awareness about what is in resonance with you or not is imperative to creating a life that is satisfying to you. Many of you have been conditioned to choose one thing and stick to it throughout your lifetime. Just as many of your child’s interests change as they grow, so will yours.
You would not expect them to stick to one interest if it simply was not a match anymore, nor should you expect that of yourself. In higher vibrating energies you will be drawn to express yourself in many different ways depending upon what the energies are supporting and what you have evolved into resonance with. That is a sure sign of growth and we encourage you to embrace exploring what that means to you.
What we are trying to impress upon you is that as you move into a new year of empowered creation, it is important to take the time to get to know, and accept, your preferences, your interests, your yearnings, and your new found talents. From there you will create and draw to you the matches that will make your life far more expansive and enjoyable than ever before. We congratulate you for being ready for such wonderful changes. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Hello everyone! I wanted to let you know I’ll be having a live Archangel Gabriel channel called Into The New Year on Monday December 30 at 6:30 pm eastern. This event will be held via zoom and there will be a recording so if you can’t attend live you can submit your question to partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com and it will be asked for you at the event and you can hear your answer through the replay. The cost to attend is $33.33 USD. I’m excited to hear what Gabriel has to say about 2025! I hope you’ll join us! You can sign up through the link below:
This event is included in tier 3 patreon memberships. If you enjoy our content you may want to consider joining. The cost to join tier 3 is the exact same cost as the event but you’d also have access to exclusive channeled content and the replays of all of our previous events. It’s a great deal in terms of the supportive content you receive, and it’s also a wonderful community of the loveliest souls. We’d love to have you join us!