14 Jan Daily Message ~ Monday January 14, 2019
Dear Ones, please realize that your broad intentions give the universe much more room to connect you with the highest potentials and greatest possibilities you are not aware of. If you are trying to create something in your life and it is not coming together, we strongly advise that you examine any ways you may be limiting your dream and cast your net wider because it has been our observation that the majority of the time what you think you can create and what is truly possible for you are vastly different.
Co-creation is honouring your seed of inspiration and then allowing your soul, along with a universe that adores you, to water and grow that desire into its fullest potential and beyond in ways you simply can’t imagine from your side of the veil. The magic occurs in the realm of infinite possibility, and that is where you wish to give your soul permission to play. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
TWO DAYS LEFT! SALE ENDS JANUARY 15. I have great news! If you were looking to start 2019 in a brand new and empowered way, I have been guided to offer both The Divine Combination and Choosing a Beautiful, Magical Life courses for $50 off. (They are regular $149 each now on for $99 each). This is an exciting year of creation, and both of these courses are so supportive in helping you navigate the new energies and move into your highest life expression. While some elements of the two courses do overlap, The Divine Combination is all about understanding and utilizing the elements of surrender, faith, flow and trust, which when combined together, open the door to enlightenment, while Choosing a Beautiful, Magical Life is about learning how to expand into the energies of co-creation and discovering the endless possibilities and potentials that exist beyond what you could imagine. Both are so, so valuable on your journey! Both classes are a series of mp3’s you can move through at your own pace and I am completely available to answer any questions you may have about the course content as you do. To register just email me at partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com and I’ll get you all set up. You can find the full course descriptions below…
The Divine Combination
The Divine Combination is the body of work that I am most excited about out of all of the teachings Gabriel and I have presented over the years! It truly is a phenomenal system that is producing profound and lasting change in the lives of the people who use it.
Within the course we examine the essential elements of the Divine Combination, why they are important, and how they, when utilized together, open the doorway to enlightenment and activate the path of grace, ease and beingness. Each class closely examines the importance of each aspect, and Gabriel himself leads a channeled meditation to allow each student to further experience the element in a deep and personal way for themselves.
People who have learned and used the Divine Combination in their lives report it has helped them move beyond blockages they have struggled with for years and has put all of the pieces of the puzzle together for them in some very magical ways. This truly is the new, supported operating system for the enlightening human being, and anyone can learn how to use this system, regardless of their level of spiritual understanding, to start making immediate, profound, positive, and empowered lasting change in their life.
Class One – Surrender and Faith
Introduction to the Divine Combination, What It Will Do For You, Overview of The Essential Elements, An Examination of the Elements of Surrender and Faith, and How to Surrender, Tips To Stay Surrendered. Practical: Channeled meditation with Archangel Gabriel to experience surrender and faith.
Class Two – Flow
What is the Flow, How to Flow, What It Will Do For You, Why It’s Important, The Role Gratitude Plays, Tips to Stay in the Flow. Practical: Channeled meditation with Archangel Gabriel to experience surrender with faith into the flow.
Class Three – Trust
The Important Role Trust Plays in the Divine Combination, What It Will Do For You, Tips To Stay In Trust. Practical: Channeled meditation with Archangel Gabriel to experience the element of trust, and how to use it to stay in surrender, faith and flow.
Class Four – Acceptance and Allowing
The Importance of Acceptance and Allowing, What Elements They Come From and Support, The Activation of Peace and Patience. Practical: Channeled meditation with Archangel Gabriel to experience Acceptance and Allowing.
Class Five – Using the Divine Combination as a Manifestation Tool
Exploration of the Essential Elements of Manifestation, How To Use the Divine Combination to Manifest, How the Divine Combination Helps You Step Into Your Role of Empowered Co-creator. Practical: Channeled meditation with Archangel Gabriel to experience co-creating with the universe.
Class Six – The Highest Application of the Divine Combination and The Activation of Grace and Ease
Explanation of the Highest Application of the Divine Combination, Joyful Service, Moving into Grace and Ease, Tips For Continued Success With The Divine Combination Moving Forward. Practical: Final channeled meditation with Archangel Gabriel to experience all of the elements utilized for the highest good of all. (This is my very favourite meditation of all time! So high vibrating and heart-expanding!)
Choosing a Beautiful, Magical Life
Archangel Gabriel teaches beauty is the presence of heaven on earth and that magic, simply put, is experiencing energies beyond what you thought possible that surprise and delight you. So choosing a beautiful, magical life is surrendering with intention into feeling the presence of heaven on earth in ways that surprise and delight you.
It is about moving out of the heaviness of our previous stages and putting the “light” back in enlightenment. This course is all about how to do just that.
Class One: Choosing Beauty and Magic through Surrender
In this class we will explore the power of surrender, how to surrender, understanding the process and the benefits of surrender, why fear and doubt may activate as well as the definition of beauty and magic.
Guided meditation: Moving into heartfelt surrender and the beauty and magic that can be yours from this empowered act.
Class Two: Being Willing To Receive – Working With a Universe That Adores You
In this class we cover why it can be hard for enlightening human beings to receive, service contracts, healthy boundaries, worthiness issues, allowing yourself to be loved and served, how to work with and say YES to the universe, moving beyond blockages, and receiving as a means of being of your highest service.
Guided meditation: Embracing being part of the flow, shining brightly and being loved for it, feeling the love of a universe that adores you.
Class Three: Embracing Your Authentic Power and Your Divine Capability to Co-Create
In this class we focus on free will, sovereignty, casting your net wide, the power of choice, getting clear about what you really want, and moving beyond fear.
Guided Meditation: Seeing how your preferences serve the whole, meeting power guides, stepping into your own sovereignty.
Class Four: Focus, Gratitude, Jumping Timelines, and the Joy of Unfoldment
In this class we discuss how to steer your flow, the importance of focus and gratitude, shifting onto new timelines, understanding and embracing the process of unfoldment.
Guided Meditation: Seeing different timelines, using gratitude as a feedback tool, and seeing the magic of unfoldment
Class Five: Courage, Consistency, and Trust
In this class we examine common fears that hold you from moving into your highest life expression, consistency as a commitment to anchor new ways of doing things, and trust as the most important element for empowered co-creation.
Guided Meditation: Connecting with your soul and highest life expression to shine brightly in your most glorious expression of self. Seeing that it is safe and joyful for you to do so!
Class Six: Pioneering and Putting the Light Back in Enlightenment
In this class we discuss moving into the second phase of your incarnation, shifting from doing to being, pioneering in unprecedented energies, preference and the value of experience, starting to have more fun and following your joy, playing in the energies of potential and possibility, shifting service.
Guided Meditation: Embracing beingness, seeing endless possibilities and potentials, integrating your inner child, moving into joyful service, connecting with other empowered co-creators on the planet.
Class Seven: Tips for Success
In this final class we explore commonly experienced challenges with co-creation and how to navigate beyond them.
So as you can see, both courses can be real game changers! If you have any further questions, or would like to register, please just email me at partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com.