woman glowing with light trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Monday March 4, 2019

What kind of day do you choose today? What kind of week? Are you unconsciously allowing life to happen to you or are you creating the experiences you desire?

Surrendering with broad intention is such a powerful tool, Dear Ones. Surrender into having the most wonderful day possible, your highest life expression, your most joyful service, or any other intention that captures what path you choose, and allow the universe, along with your guides and your highest self to lead the way and to fill in the potentials that are now available to you from that empowered act.

It is a powerful practice to ask yourself, “What do I choose today?” to get more in touch with your own incredible ability to move into conscious co-creation.  Deciding what you wish to lead with energetically is a beautiful act of empowerment and service. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

SALE! Our popular and transformative course, Partnership With Spirit, is on sale for $99! That’s $50 off! If you have ever wanted to learn how to move into or deepen your own communication with spirit, this is the course for you. This hypnosis based course is a series of five downloadable mp3’s you move through at your own pace. You will learn the skill of self hypnosis, along with the exact methods I use to connect with Gabriel every single day, in a way that is fun, easy to understand, and safe. You can see the full course outline at https://trinityesoterics.com/classes/partnership-with-spirit/ To register please email me at partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com.

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