16 Jun Daily Message ~ Sunday June 16, 2019
As you continue to move forward on your enlightenment journey, not only will your own freedom be paramount to you, so will the freedom of all other living beings. This shift reflects moving into your role of guide on earth, which naturally comes with the deep respect and honour of the free will of all.
Freedom supports the expansion of your soul and the souls of others. Many of you will make shifts that reflect the need for that freedom, creating lives that allow you to move with the flow rather than following set schedules, which for many of you, will start to feel more and more restrictive.
You will be creating employment for yourselves that gives you more flexibility to honour your need to move with the energies and express yourself in ways that bring you joy and allow you to be of your highest service while honouring your needs and beingness. For many of you this is essential for finding balance through your embodiment process.
You will also practice much more acceptance and allowing towards others, seeing each person as being divinely capable and well guided in their choices and experiences. This respect and honour for the sacred path and freedom of all living beings will allow much healing to occur and greater peace to naturally follow. This will ripple out to include deep respect and care for animals and all aspects of your planet, as well.
All of this supports not only your own expansion, but the expansion of the planet. It is through freedom and encouraged self expression that you will all find your highest service which always comes from being your truest expression of self. This will open the door for you to create new templates, new inventions, new discoveries, new acceptable ways of connecting and living your lives authentically which is the foundation of the creation of the new earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Win a course or a reading! Have you found our daily messages to be supportive and to have value to you on your journey? It’s time for our donation drive sweepstakes draws! Every year in June and December we hold this event to help offset costs so we can continue to provide free daily channeled content to you all year long. If you make a donation of any amount, you will be entered in 6 different draws! You could win:
A half hour private channeled reading with Shelley and Gabriel (a $100 value)
An hour long private channeled reading with Shelley and Gabriel (a $175 value)
Partnership With Spirit (a $149 value)
The Divine Combination (a $149 value)
Twinflames and Soul Connections (a $149 value)
Choosing a Beautiful, Magical Life (a $149 value)
And yes, if you win one course but you are feeling more drawn to another one, you can substitute.
If you have found our work to be helpful to you and you feel guided to support our service, please send your donation to partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com via PayPal (or you can click the donation button at the top of the page at www.trinityesoterics.com). If you are in Canada, you can also donate by sending an interac e-transfer to partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com and make the answer to the question gabriel. The draws will be held on July 1, no purchase necessary. I am so, so grateful to be able to be part of this amazing journey with you. Wishing you the most wonderful summer filled with enjoyment, beauty, laughter, and love!