Daily Message ~ Friday October 25, 2024
Dear Ones, as the energies continue to expose what has been hidden and what needs to be addressed, many of you will be guided to...
Dear Ones, as the energies continue to expose what has been hidden and what needs to be addressed, many of you will be guided to...
It is the ego self that leads human beings to place great importance on being right. It is a slippery slope from right to righteous,...
As empaths and sensitives, many of you naturally have profound compassion for others, including those who have hurt you. This is a wonderful trait, but...
Power continues to be the most prevalent theme that is up for review on your planet. Dear Ones, if you are cautious of power you...
Dear Ones, you cannot expect people to treat you respectfully if you do not do that for yourself. It is the energetic equivalent of "do...
We have spoken quite extensively about the reintegration of any unhealed aspects of self as being an essential step on your evolutionary journey, and we...
The way to heal division is to find the common denominator between you and others and to connect and grow your relationships respectfully from there....
Respect is a major energetic theme to explore in preparation of moving into the energies of 2021 and beyond. Do others respect you? Do you respect...
Dear Ones, what we want you to understand is that ultimately all movement is forward movement. If someone is moving forward mindfully that is forward...