03 Sep Daily Message ~ Tuesday September 3, 2024
Dear Ones, there is an infinite stream of unconditional love available to you at all times. Love is a constant. The variable is how much you are in acceptance and allowance of it.
We ask you to pay attention. Do you tend to give and not receive? Do you find it easy to serve but find it difficult to allow others to serve you? How many times do you turn down assistance or kindness from others? How often do you still yourself to connect with and feel the love and support of Source? How easy is it for you to accept compliments with grace and appreciation? Or do you shrug all of these things off when they try to come to you?
All of the above are indicators of how much you are allowing yourself the joy of truly experiencing the love that is always, always there for you. It is an endless resource that is there for the sole (soul) purpose of nurturing, sustaining, and cherishing you as a beloved part of that whole. All you have to do is agree to receive it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Don’t forget, our rescheduled event will be this Saturday.
Hi everyone! I’ll be doing a live Gabriel channel next Saturday, September 7 at 12 pm eastern time. This event will be held via zoom and there will be a replay. Gabriel has been talking about a lot of very interesting things lately so there’s no telling what will come up! The cost to attend is $33.33 USD. Hope to see you there! You can sign up through the link below:
PS. No worries if you can’t make it live. You can submit your question to partnershipwithspirit@gmail.com and I’ll be sure it gets asked during the event.
PPS. This is a tier two and tier three event for patreon members. That means you could join the patreon for $22.22 a month and be able to attend the channel plus see all the new content Gabriel has been sharing there! If you’d like to join the patreon you can do so through this link:
However we do it, I hope to connect with you soon! xo