heart path trinity esoterics

Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 23, 2022

Today we invite you to go back and encourage the you that had big dreams and didn’t have the support to make them happen, and give yourself what you always needed and deserved. It is safe for you to acknowledge your truest desires and follow your heart, for those dreams have always been there to direct your path. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s Note: If you missed my talk on Beyond the Ordinary last night, no worries, you can catch it on replay here: www.beyondtheordinaryshow.com

We covered lots of ground about the energies of the new, relationships, and my new offering, Journeying Into The New. And you can hear the super cool confirmation John gave about being reparented, which is part of the journeying process that he didn’t know about but spontaneously happened anyways! It’s always such a delight to connect with John. I hope you enjoy the show as much as I did!

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