Daily Message ~ Friday July 19, 2024
Acceptance, allowing, and gratitude are the elements that make it possible for you to experience peace right where you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young *** Hey...
Acceptance, allowing, and gratitude are the elements that make it possible for you to experience peace right where you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young *** Hey...
Dear Ones, have you ever noticed how, if a child is with an overprotective parent, they will be prevented from or afraid of trying new...
Releasing the fear of success or failure and shifting into embracing the value of experience, instantly moves you into expansion and flow. It does not...
Some of you hold back, and are hesitant to fully commit to your creations. You play it safe, just in case. This is due to...
What if the stalls and issues that occur are beautifully designed to give you more clarity so you can fully align into an even greater...
Dear Ones, there is so much love for you. There is so much support for you. There is so much guidance for you. There is...
Discomfort before movement serves a great purpose. It prepares you to embrace change the second it arrives. If human beings felt comfortable all the time,...
As the energies continue to move forward, you will find more and more that anything that prevents you from your expression and expansion becomes very...
Many of you are in the process of stepping into a new phase in your incarnation. In many ways, much of what you have experienced...