Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 25, 2017
Dear Ones, as the energies continue to expose what has been hidden and what needs to be addressed, many of you will be guided to...
Dear Ones, as the energies continue to expose what has been hidden and what needs to be addressed, many of you will be guided to...
If you woke up every single day and surrendered to having the best day possible, it would take any second guessing out of your lives....
Judgement separates while acceptance unifies. So why do you judge and choose separation? Because there is something that you are afraid of - you are...
Dear Ones, as you move forward into the next phase of your journey, many of you will be changing service, or stepping into service in...
When people act out it is because they are uncomfortable, frustrated, overwhelmed and fearful. Because the energies you are in are bringing up so much...
Dear Ones, stepping into your own mastery means trusting your ability to be the empowered expert on you. Other people may have many ideas about...
In older times, if someone wished to embrace a spiritual path it often involved cloistering themselves. The belief was that you needed to separate yourself...
Dear Ones, why not give yourself a break and decide to love yourself right where you are? Your essence is aching for you to acknowledge...
As the energies continue to move forward, you will find more and more that anything that prevents you from your expression and expansion becomes very...