Daily Message ~ Monday April 20, 2020
Your focus and gratitude are a broadcast system for your energetic preferences. What are you being a beacon for? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young *** If you’ve been...
Your focus and gratitude are a broadcast system for your energetic preferences. What are you being a beacon for? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young *** If you’ve been...
Your own unique vibrational energy is your clarion call to the universe. By emitting your vibration, clearly and unimpeded, you allow the perfect matches to...
Dear Ones, a very effective technique to make new connections in your lives is to meditate and create from the ethers. Let us suppose you wish...
When energies are very fast moving it can feel like you are somewhat out of control. Did you know you always have a steering wheel...
So many of you have been conditioned to equate worrying with love. But is it really loving to worry? When you worry about another, you are...
Dear Ones, a very simple meditation/visualization for creation is to simply imagine yourself up in the cosmos, turning on the light of your intention and...