Daily Message ~ Sunday October 23, 2016
Dear Ones, if someone has hurt you in the past, it is an indicator that they were not at a level of soul growth to...
Dear Ones, if someone has hurt you in the past, it is an indicator that they were not at a level of soul growth to...
Dear Ones, during these accelerated times where so much can seem to be up in the air or undefined, the most empowered and empowering thing...
Dear Ones, the universe is always conspiring to assist you with all your desires. All that is required is that you stay out of resistance...
When you see someone making a choice that is contrary to what you would choose for yourself, instead of deeming it to be right or...
The beautiful thing about surrender is that it always leads you to your next highest experience, which allows you to release the fear of making...
Impatience, frustration and anxiety are at an all time high for many of you. We want you to understand that those emotions are normal during...
Dear Ones, when you bump up against an obstacle in your life you can't seem to find your way around, give it UP. Give it...
Surrender is how your soul leads you to expansion, acceptance, and creation. Control is how your ego keeps you in constriction, resistance, and stagnation. Which...
Dear Ones, when you move out of resistance into embracing moments of being alone, you start to tap into a world of endless divine support...