Daily Message ~ Saturday October 30, 2021
There may be times in your life where you know something is good for you but yet you experience resistance to moving in that direction....
There may be times in your life where you know something is good for you but yet you experience resistance to moving in that direction....
The last couple of months of your linear time has given you an opportunity to step forward as a loving parent for yourself. The focus...
Your ego self wants everything to stay the same so it can feel in control. Forward movement and expansion is what your soul craves. This...
Change is such a vital part of your enlightenment journey, yet so many of you have negative feelings, fear, or resistance towards change. So we...
There is a part of you that prefers to exist within the energies of what it already knows. It perceives predictability and the lack of...
Dear Ones, as you continue along your enlightenment journey and understand that the process is about stepping into your authentic power and coming home to...
Judgement separates while acceptance unifies. So why do you judge and choose separation? Because there is something that you are afraid of - you are...
Dear Ones, have you ever noticed how, if a child is with an overprotective parent, they will be prevented from or afraid of trying new...
It is very common for enlightening human beings to take the high road or the more spiritual response to any situation. This is wonderful and...