Daily Message ~ Sunday October 8, 2017
There is a pervasive belief that having fun is frivolous or should come last in your life. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the...
There is a pervasive belief that having fun is frivolous or should come last in your life. Dear Ones, nothing could be further from the...
So many of you think you need to reach a certain level of attainment before you can be of service. Dear Ones, every single action...
Judgement separates while acceptance unifies. So why do you judge and choose separation? Because there is something that you are afraid of - you are...
Many enlightening human beings came onto the earth to be of service. They understood the ascension of the planet and her inhabitants was a true...
Do you believe that the universe tests you? To believe that you are being tested suggests that you also believe you are being judged and...
Dear Ones, you are all on the planet in unprecedented times, receiving unprecedented energies. There is no blueprint for this, as you are all the...
Dear Ones, we understand that releasing has been a major theme for many of you, and that it can seem to be an arduous task....
As the energies continue to move forward, you will find more and more that anything that prevents you from your expression and expansion becomes very...
When you hold encouragement for others, you become the bridge between seeing their wonderful potential and them discovering it for themselves. You become a facilitator...